How Practicing Daily Mindfulness Can Help You Restore Emotional Balance

More than ever before we need to be able to regulate our emotions. Right now, we wake up every morning not knowing what is going on in the world, perhaps feeling anxious and stressed about work, finances, relationships and more. Incorporating daily mindfulness can help you stay in the present, relieve stress and anxiety and it can improve sleep and general health, both mental and physical.


Here are 4 simple ways to practice mindfulness every day which will help you balance your emotions:


Wake Up Mindfully

Mornings can be difficult to the best of us, but especially now; working from home, with no schedules or no rushing to get to work. Set an alarm each night to wake up at the same time every morning. When the alarm goes off, lay in bed for a few moments, consciously noticing and feeling your breath in your body. Notice the position in which you have been sleeping; start to wiggle your toes and your fingers, slowly flexing your muscles, before taking a full body stretch. Notice howyour body feels as you take that stretch, take in a deep breath in and out. As you start to feel more awake, start to get yourself up. Move slowly, noticing every move you take. Try and do that for at least the first 10 minutes of your day.


Enjoy Every Mouthful

Who has eaten a plateful of food without noticing what they were eating? I think we can all say I! Eating is one of the most pleasurable experiences we engage in as humans and doing it mindfully can turn eating into an even better experience. First listen to your body by bringing your awareness to the physical sensation of hunger. Ask yourself how hungry are you? Try not to think about what you ate last and what time. Breathe and get in tune with your body’s needs. This way you can start to eat according to your hunger. Then take a few deep breaths before you eat. By pausing before consuming your food, you allow your body and mind to be more calm. Notice the food in front of you, the colours, textures, smells. Take a bite, notice the heat, the texture and all the different flavours; chew slowly. Enjoy every bite you take! Stop when you are full, please do, no matter how much food there is still left on your plate. Listen and respond to your body.


Walk With Full Awareness

There is nothing like going for a nice walk, especially when the weather is great. Bringing full awareness and being mindful while you walk is easy – just focus on how each step feels, notice the temperature, the sun on your face, the wind in the air, smell the flowers and the freshly cut grass. Take in your surroundings, looking up at any buildings or trees, listen to the wind, to children laughing in the park, cars going by, birds chirping. Allow your mind to wander. Keep putting one foot in front of the other, notice how you feel as you allow yourself to just be in the moment, observing everything that is going on around you.


Take Pause 

There will be days where you can’t wake up and practice mindfulness or you’re so busy that it’s hard to find time during the day to be present. When you’re pressed for time, simply take pause, do a quick check in with yourself. Are you breathing deeply or are your breaths shallow? Are you holding tension in your face, jaw, neck or shoulders? Give yourself 10-30 seconds to breathe deeply into the belly, relax your face, neck and shoulders. Bring the awareness inwards, how are you feeling in this exact moment. It’s like taking a small reset button to help you stay focused, calm and centred throughout the day.



I am a fully qualified Yoga, Pilates, Meditation, Mindfulness Teacher and Life Coach. Currently studying The Trauma Conscious Yoga Method to further increase my knowledge around trauma and how yoga can help us heal. I am focused on helping women to heal from the inside out; heal their trauma, their relationship with their body, mind and soul. I am deeply invested, passionate and dedicated to helping women love themselves again. Guiding them to quiet the mind and free their body! Empowering them to access the confidence, worthiness and self-love that they so deserve! Every class I teach, whether that is yoga, pilates or meditation, centres around particular tools for times of stress or anxiety; tools to raise their self-love, appreciation and worthiness. I am creating a safe space, particularly for trauma survivors to reconnect with their bodies and to help them find their freedom. I want women to become their own best friends and know that they can heal from trauma and mental health issues through, movement, breath, self-love and body positivity. “Feel Free to Be You”