How to Manage Overwhelm in Your Business

So you are overwhelmed? 

Feel like you cannot keep up with all that needs to be done?

Feel as though people are pulling you from pillar to post wanting things from you?

Or maybe like your ‘to-do’ list is never ending and you don’t know where to start?


Trust me I do. I easily get overwhelmed and it has been something I have really had to force myself to learn how to manage since running a business.

Truth is, there will always be overwhelm in business. There are always things that could be done or should be done when you run your own business. 

It takes faith, a whole lot of self worth and confidence in your ability and belief of success to take time off and time out and know when you need to realign and limit the overwhelm.

Below are some ways to manage when it feels like everything in your business is getting on top of you. 

Take a break and some time off

One of the most productive things you can do is take time off. I know it sounds counterproductive but hear me out, You want to show up in the best possible way for your clients. With the most attractive energy and with content and value that interest them. This is impossible when you are shattered and burnt out. 

Taking time off when you need it or even just a break for a few hours is so incredibly important. When you do take time out, It actually shows how trusting you are to the universe and puts you into a magic place to manifest good things with your business.  When you keep pushing whilst everything is telling you to slow down, you are coming from lack and from lack we cannot manifest good things. 

Priorities what needs to be done

Take a look at all the ‘to-do’s what really is essential? What can people/clients live without? What is the most time pressure. Break it down into simple steps. That feel manageable for you. What is a realistic milestone to have achieved? Make sure you do the things that really need to be done first and especially before you add any more on to that to-do list of yours. 

Know that you're putting the pressure on yourself 

It really is you. If clients are putting pressure on you hold your fort with your boundaries here. They will respect you and learn from you when you show up with a boundary approach to your energy. Say no when you cannot give anymore. Let yourself put yourself first. Nobody will die if you don’t show up today, nothing will fall to pieces so take the pressure of yourself and prioritise your self care and wellbeing. That is when you will get the best from your clients and show up the best for them

Be smart about your time vs value in your business

Ok, be smart. What things in your business lead to the most revenue, most traction and engagement with your community and your sales? Those are your priorities in times like this. The things that take forever and don’t bring much to your business have to take the back seat here a little. They can come back in time, but you are probably holding some resentment to those things that need doing and that isn’t helping your mindset or energy right now!

Prioritize self-care

Guys, nourish yourselves, look after yourself. Do what feels good for the soul, motivates you and inspires you to get creative and serve,. When you neglect yourself of those things you are neglecting your business. Truth. Go read a book, walk in nature, take a bath, put a face mask on - whatever nourishes your soul. Go do it. 

If you want to access some more productivity hacks click here for my free quick and easy download (Link to productivity hacks) 

If you need support in your business on managing overwhelm, how to be most effective and productive then be sure to join the Clique our monthly membership. We have a ton of resources, trainings and tutorials inside our private members area that will help you run your business as effectively and productively as possible as you start, grow and scale. 

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