Find yourself stuck in the comparison rut? 5 ways to stop comparing yourself to others right now

Find yourself wondering why you don’t look like her?

Why she has it all and you don’t?

How you wish you had her body, her life, her business?

Do you sometimes find yourself looking at what everyone else is doing, how they are achieving and what is going well for them that it leaves you feeling stuck and unmotivated? Not to mention a bit meh about yourself. 

One of the biggest problems I see my clients facing is how quickly they fall into the patterns of comparing themselves to others. 

I am not as well qualified as her 

I don’t have the same level of knowledge. 

It kills me, because it is so often the reason why people don’t do what they dream of and just shows how much value we put on everyone else, before ourselves. 

Truth is, it isn’t your higher self that is doing all this comparing. It is that inner critic, the inner bitch (your ego) that is making you compare yourself and take so much notice of what everyone else is doing. 

It is our inner critic that makes us think we are our ‘things’

That we are what we ‘HAVE’

It tells us we can’t.

If forces us to judge others

It is what makes us get upset when things don’t go our way.

It believes that we are separate from others.


It believes you are your accolades, you are your achievements. Your social media likes, your follower counts.


It wants to you constantly acquire evidence for your importance and pushes you to prove you are superior to others. It believes you are in competition with the rest of the world. In comparison to the rest of the world.

She’s not you, she’s just a part of you that you sometimes let take control. 

Life changed for me when I dropped my constant comparing. I became so much more productive, I actually did things and literally surrendered to wondering what people would think. 

It crippled me for too long and honestly, i got tired of it. 

Truth is, 

There are SO many habits we can implement in our life that will make comparison literally, go away. From counting your blessings, to finding your purpose. Check out my 5 ways to overcome comparison BELOW