7 ways to raise your vibration

Ok so, raising your vibration and fiercely protecting your energy is KEY when it comes to the life you manifest. 

High vibe things, attract high vibe things. So when you begin to raise your vibration and take responsibility for the energy you put out into the world you are reclaiming your power and getting yourself ready to call in BIG THINGS. 

There are so many ways in which you can raise and protect your energy, below are 7 ways to get you started that can change your vibe in an instant.

Hang around with vibey people

Our energy is infectious, people want to sunbathe in your light when you shine it. So the same goes the other way round, if you are spending more time with high vibe people you are going to come away feeling more vibey. The more time and energy you give to those that make you feel crappy the more you are lowing the energy field around you. Choose those that make you want to shine!

Listen to vibey music

SO underrated! Everytime I put on the tunes my mood instantly changes for the better. Ain't nothing a bit of Whitney, Drake or Mariah can’t do to lift the mood! Maybe even a little dance if you are feeling spicy. I promise you, get up, get the tunes on and watch your mood elevate. 

Choose positive thoughts

Your thoughts are powerful, so freaking powerful. Choose positive ones. Choose ones that make you feel good. The negative thought train is one we want to GET OFF asap because it goes round and round and round if you let it. Next time you notice yourself indulging in a negative thought, pause, take a deep breath and choose the opposite way. Choose the positive version and say it internally 5 times. Keep catching yourself when you do it, keep reframing it and soon enough that positive take will be the first one you go too. 


I cannot begin to explain how meditation always does the trick for me. Just 10 mins of a guided meditation always completely brings me back home and elevates my energy. I have created two meditations for you HERE, one to help you let go and commit to your new chapter and one to help you visualise and manifest your future. 

Be nice to yourself

I know this one sounds silly but it is true. I see it too often, wonderful women being fucking horrible to themselves. It is just not OK and you deserve better. If you can’t be nice to yourself then how can you expect others too, or the world for that matter? I used to be revolting to myself, spoke to myself badly, put myself through some silly shit and I wondered why the world seemed to be against me. I am so nice to myself now. It took work, it took dedication but it feels so good! 

Do more things that make you happy. 

The more you feel inspired, in your purpose, doing activities, rituals and hobbies that make you feel all juicy and warm inside - the more you raise your vibration. Getting stuck into that feeling of joy and passion is the key to manifesting what you desire. Joy and fulfilment are two of the most attractive emotions. Flirty, fun and playful energy helps you become a magnet to people and things!

Less Gossip and Judgement

Seriously, walk away from it. We have no place to question others behaviours or indulge in talking about their business. It doesn’t make them change, it makes us lower our vibration. Quit getting involved in people's gossip, avoid the drama and let people be. You have better things to deal with, like being the badass that you are and calling in all the things you want in life!!

Don’t forget to take our MANIFESTING QUIZ below to find out how tuned into your manifesting potential you are!

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